Move Club Baby & Kids

by Snapps Comunicação



Why should your child take lessons with us?We are a physical literacy space for babies and children, designed to explore, create, play, socialize, experiment and develop the student in its entirety.Adequate motor stimulation is of paramount importance, not only for motor development, but for the development of:a) perception of competence and identity (affective aspect) (ROBINSON et al., 2015);b) cognitive skills such as: alternating focus of attention, development of working memory, cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control, indispensable for the development of the human being in all its dimensions (LAGE; RIBEIRO, 2020);c) social skills such as respecting rules, communicating, leading, respecting differences (HASSMÈN; KOIVULA; UUTELA, 2000);d) physical appearance: lower propensity to develop obesity (ROBINSON et al., 2015).Families, because they do not have the knowledge and adequate time, end up not offering many of the important stimuli for babies/children.